A Model-Up Photo Shoot is a Journey

   The Model-Up project is about to head into it's 20th year of finding exceptional mature (35+) women who had either, never modeled before, or who modeled some in their youth, perhaps 20, 30, or more years earlier.

    Our culture can be  dismissive of women in their 40's and beyond, marginalizing

them, assigning them specific roles such as,  of wife, mother, even grandmother while

suggesting they are past their prime, especially in terms of simply being a woman.

    Professional fashion/glamour photographer, Gary Keith began his photo project

in 2004, in Orange County, CA. Over the past nearly 20 years, Keith has recruited

and shot with over 140 women, from all walks of life.

   The subjects were offered a fashion/glamour photo shoot with an experienced,

professional and  accomplished professional photographer.

   The three hour photo shoot is a learning experience as the subjects are taught

position, balance, presentation, and movement. They gain in skill, confidence and

courage as the session evolves.

  We shoot five to seven "looks", each in a different style or genre of photos chosen

by the subject during a pre-shoot conference with their photographer.

   Each session features its own wardrobe and set, and presents the subject with a

new challenge.

   After each session, the subject reviews the shots with the photographer to see the

progress she's made, which only gives her greater confidence for the  next set next.

   The final set is the most sophisticated and challenging. All of the lessons learned in

the previous sessions are brought to bear to produce the most compelling and electric

photos of the shoot.

   At the end of the shoot, subjects are shown photos from their first set and their final set. Their

reactions are pretty universal and generally predictable, amazement!

What Motivates A Women to Put Herself to Such A Test ?

   The reasons and motives are as many and varied as the women who have participated. But there are recurring themes. Some do it as a lark, just for fun, and it is fun. There are those who seek validation or to boost their self esteem. For others, it's a challenge, or a "bucket list" item.

   Then there are those who want the challenge, or to answer the question, Could I have been, or could I, even today, be a model?

   Some have used the occasion to launch a pursuit of modeling as a hobby, or an avocation, either commercially, or as a form of personal artistic expression.

   Then there are those who didn't make the choice themselves, but were given the opportunity as a gift. And of course there are those who simply did it for the photos, photos they knew they wouldn't get any other way.

   What will be your motivation to become the next Model-Up model ?

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