Before Your Model-Up Photo Shoot

   Your Model-Up photo shoot will last approximately three hours, four hours if you are shooting video. That's enough time to shoot up to five or six "sets". A set is a distinct theme, genre, or outfit you will wear for photos and or videos, as you have chosen in advance of the shoot. Your photo session is a fashion/Glamour shoot. Your photographer is highly skilled, and has decades of experience shooting fashion and glamour genres for magazines, commercial ads, posters, calendars, catalogues, websites, etc.  

   You will have a telephone or face-time consultation with your photographer about a week prior to your photo shoot. The two of you will discuss, and make decisions on every aspect of the session including, make-up, hair, wardrobe, and the genres or styles of photos you wish to shoot.

At Your Photo Shoot

   The day of your photo shoot, you will arrive at the studio or pre-determined location prepared to begin your three hour photo shoot. Three hours sounds like a long time, but with wardrobe, set, and lighting changes, it goes by incredibly quickly.

   Throughout your session, you will learn various modeling styles and techniques involving poses, balance, presentation, body mechanics, and movement to help you achieve the polished, artistic and commercial look and style of a professional model.

   Your shoot will be designed so you will progress in technique and content from one set to the next. Each will offer new challenges and be focussed on more sophisticated presentation. By the end of your session, you will be amazed at the difference between the photos from your first set, and those from your last.

After the Shoot

   When the session is over, you and your photographer will review your photos one more time. Your photos will be uploaded to a password secured online platform, where you can examine all of your content at your leisure, and begin deciding which are your favorites.

   The photos you select, and a few selected by your photographer will be "produced". The magic of  light and color correction, blemish removal, cropping and sizing, and the application of various artistic techniques will be applied to make all of your photos truly "ready for prime time".

  Finally, you'll decide how you would like to receive your final layout. Your basic package includes digital photo files that have been optimized for electronic viewing, such as being posted to your social media, emailed or texted to friends or family, and for the best viewing on your phone, tablet, computer, or even on a large screen HDTV.

   But you have additional options regarding various other formmats you can elect to receive your content. You can earn more about your delivery choices on the Options page.

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Before, During and After Your MODEL-UP Photo Shoot