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About GMS Models

GMS Models," The Sisterhood", Then and Now

   In 2004, photographer, Gary Keith began recruiting women, most of whom had never modeled before, to participate in his long term photo project, The Great Model Search. Over 150 in all, from 22 states and seven foreign countries responded and experienced an adventure, to be the subject of a real fashion/glamour photo shoot with a published, professional  fashion/glamour master photographer, with decades of experience in the genres.

  The subjects were of various ages, mostly from about 35, all the way into their 70s! The results were astounding. These women took up the challenge, and the outcomes from those photo shoots were amazing. Beautiful, evocative, even inspiring photos, worthy being exhibited on the pages of a magazine came, from nearly every photo shoot. Some of the subjects wondered if there might be a chance to do more, even to pursue modeling. either for fun or self-expression, or perhaps as an avocation.

   In 2010, Keith answered their question by establishing “The GMS” (Great Model Showcase) to form a cadre of these aspiring models from his photo project. Keith saw the group as a team and he as their coach, providing advice and support in promoting the group and its individual members in their quests.

   “I saw The GMS as something quite unique in the business. These women were essentially on parallel paths, sharing the same dream, but each with their own goals.", says Keith.

   Modeling is a very competitive endeavor. Yet these women became loyal friends and true teammates, lending emotional and practical support to one another. The models themselves nicknamed the GMS, "the sisterhood". They were of varying ages, body styles, ethnicities, experiences, and backgrounds. And most of them were in their 40’s and above in age, which made succeeding improbable, and terrifically challenging. But they took on the challenge, undeterred and did so as individuals, and as a team, very atypical among models.

   Since 2010, 29 aspiring models have been affiliated members of The GMS. The GMS has done several group shoots, inviting highly acclaimed guest photographers to work with the models at some amazing locations and in some great studios. The GMS has done web and television commercials, made public appearances, and walked in fashion shows, all as a group. Keith has also assisted the models in furthering their careers, acting as their principal photographer, coach, stalwart promoter, and their cheerleader.

   In 2018, Keith rebranded the Great Model Search into Model-Up/Orange County, emphasizing the group’s geographical roots.

   In 2020, Keith relocated from Orange County, California to Prescott, Arizona. Within weeks of his move, COVID-19 struck and lockdowns were in full force. The pandemic had a crushing effect on the fashion industry in general, and on photography and modeling in particular. The disease brought the business nearly to a halt, and in doing so, gutted The GMS.

   By mid-2022, with the pandemic in the rear view mirror, and the fashion industry making a comeback, new opportunities for models were opening up.  Many of the GMS models prior to COVID, had left California or simply gave up modeling altogether. Keith decided in late 2022 to rebrand The GMS into GMS Models, and began recruiting a whole new cast of would-be models. As his new home is in Arizona, he began formulating an entirely new Model-Up program, specifically for women in his new home state.

   The program needed updating and also a different outreach, since the vibe in Arizona is very different from Orange County.

   “But after almost twenty years, my long term photo project has brought me to one undeniable conclusion”, says Keith. “There is a ‘model gene’ present in every woman. This gene pays no attention to a woman’s age, body type, ethnicity, social position, or looks. It’s recessive in most, but can turn dominant in the span of just three hours, stimulated by the atmospherics of a first professional photo shoot experience”, adds the photographer.

   Model-Up/Arizona will make it’s debut in the Fall of 2023, in time to make a unique and amazing Christmas present from a thoughtful husband or boyfriend. And the newest iteration of Keith’s nearly 20 year old photo project will serve as a gateway to the new GMS Models for an entirely new group of women who will find their model gene, and set out in quest of the pages of the nearest magazine, a fashion catalogue, or catwalk.

   "The sisterhood will rise again, this time in Arizona", insists Keith, enthusiastically.